Students in field


September 21, 2021

Finlandia’s Business Faculty Feature Strong Local Connections

Finlandia University’s International School of Business (ISB) lives up to its name by maintaining strong international partnerships, teaching students from a variety of countries, and overseeing internships and a range of business activities with an international flavor. However, our faculty also have strong connections to our local area. Five of the six full-time faculty are graduates of local high schools including Calumet, Houghton, Jeffers, and Ontonagon. Additionally, three of our faculty members have extensive work experience from living [...]

Beth Agen 2021
September 13, 2021

International School of Business hires new Assistant Professor of Management

Beth Agen recently joined Finlandia’s International School of Business as an Assistant Professor of Management.

Agen attained a Bachelor of Arts in Media Communications from St. Norbert College, an MBA with a concentration in Leadership from Liberty University and is currently completing her doctoral thesis for a Doctorate of Education, EdD, in Organizational Leadership: Organizational Development, from Grand Grand Canyon University. Agen brings more than 20 years of management experience to the new position including work on accreditation for three different [...]

June 10, 2021

Preparing for the job hunt: students experience employment search through mock job search and interviews

During the 2021 spring semester, the International School of Business collaborated with Finlandia’s new Seaton Center for Vocation & Career to equip graduating seniors with the skills they need to prepare competitive job applications and interview successfully. Director of Career Services, Emma Dorst, partnered with Assistant Professor of Management Nathan Perreault and Dean Kevin Manninen to restructure the Business Senior Seminar course, with opportunities for students to put their job search skills into practice and receive individual feedback. Ms. Dorst delivered [...]

June 9, 2021

Working remotely, no longer the future – it’s already here!

Over the past year and a half, the number of workers working from home, or even far from their place of employment, known as working remotely or working virtually has become commonplace. While COVID resulted in a revolutionary shift towards employees working remotely, this was a movement that was already occurring at a rapid rate before the pandemic hit.  New and improved communication technologies have played a major role in this movement. The result is that companies and individuals [...]

Santeri Seppinen
May 14, 2021

Santeri Seppinen named Finlandia International School of Business Outstanding Senior

Finlandia University’s International School of Business has named Santeri Seppinen its Outstanding Senior in Business for the academic year 2020-21. Seppinen, an International Business major from Turku, Finland, was given this honor based on his overall academic record, including a 3.83 GPA, as well as his achievements outside of the classroom. 

Transferring to Finlandia in 2018 to play hockey, Seppinen quickly settled and effectively balanced his studies with the rigors of being a varsity goaltender. According to management professor Nathan Perreault [...]

April 30, 2021

Student Spotlight: Phil Schader, International Business

Phil Schader is a sophomore transfer student from Austria majoring in International Business. Schader left Austria when he was 16 and graduated from a Canadian high school before playing junior hockey. He is a member of the Men’s Hockey team. 

When did you first hear about Finlandia and why did you decide to come here? 

During the end of my junior hockey career playing in Minnesota. I found out about Finlandia through the hockey program. For me as an international, [...]

April 8, 2021

Student Spotlight: McEwen Stapleton, Management & Entrepreneurship

When McEwen Stapleton transferred to Finlandia University from Hope College, he was looking for a place where he could be himself. 

“Overall, I’m an outdoor-oriented individual and Hope College is dead-center in Holland,” said Stapleton, who is originally from Frankfort, Mich. “I am thankful for my experiences there, but it just didn’t feel like me. The city air starts to feel heavy after a while, and Finlandia felt more like me and just better since it’s in a rural setting.” 

In his [...]

March 29, 2021

Business students to present at next XES Helsinki Testing Day event

The next XES Helsinki entrepreneur presentations will be held on Wednesday, March 31st at 9am EDT. Three innovative entrepreneurs from the Helsinki, Finland area and one group of Finlandia students will give short presentations on their businesses and receive feedback from a panel of experts from the US. Everyone is welcome to join this exciting free trans-Atlantic event! Register to attend here. We are pleased to welcome Tom Adolphs, Assistant Professor of Graphic Design at Finlandia, as a panel member.     One [...]

March 17, 2021

Student Spotlight: Erika Lambert, Healthcare Management

Erika Lambert is a senior from Munford, Tenn. studying Healthcare Management. Lambert transferred to Finlandia from Bethel University and talks about her transfer and FinnU experience.

What influenced your decision to transfer from Bethel to FinnU? My decision to go to Finlandia University was partly because I did not want to be so close to home. Being from a military background, I am very independent and have moved around a lot so the process wasn’t hard. In October 2017, I visited an old friend [...]

March 15, 2021

Owner of SmartCreative to present to business class on March 17

Matthew Randell, owner of SmartCreative, a Houghton-based marketing agency, will give a Zoom presentation on “Marketing For Any Business” on Wednesday, March 17 at 2:10p.m. as part of the BUS 447 Entrepreneurial Marketing class. He’ll be talking about the challenges of a small marketing budget and what agencies such as SmartCreative can offer. The presentation is open to any Finlandia student and can be accessed at  https://zoom.us/j/94412279867

FinnU will not enroll students for 2023-2024Learn More