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Tag Archive: Charles Patch

April 19, 2018

Leijona Martial Arts Club participates in tournament in Illinois

Eleven Members of the Leijona Martial Arts club traveled to St. Charles, IL on March 23-24 for the Soo Bahk Do Region 5 championship. Club advisors Dr. Carolyn Dekker, Assistant Professor of English and Dr. Juan Marin, Associate Professor of Mathematics, club instructor Kyo Sa Nim Shawn Hammond, Senior Art & Design major Zong Deng, Junior Nursing major Charles Patch, Sophomore Philosophy major Harold Noble, as well as five younger community members, were in attendance.

The championship gathered more [...]

September 8, 2017

Student Senate President Charles Patch kicks off second season of Finlandia Fridays

This week Finlandia Fridays is joined by Student Senate President Charles Patch. The university was introduced to Patch at opening convocation, which took place on August 27, the Sunday before classes started. As president, Patch explained that senate is a club that is a voice for students on campus, saying that senate is “here for you.” Highly encouraged to take on the mantle of president by previous senate members, Charles is excited to make a difference on [...]

May 17, 2017

Introducing the 2017-18 FinnU Student Senate

Members of the 2017-18 Student Senate at Finlandia University. They are, from left, President Charles Patch, Vice President Kaylor Holmstrom, Activities Officer Haley Makela, Campus/Community Rep DJ Skinner and Graphic Design Artist Abigail Tembreull. Not pictured is Secretary/Treasurer Nicholas Tobey.

As another academic year ends, a new group of leaders has emerged for Finlandia University’s Student Senate, including four new senators and two returners.

“Next year’s student senate brings a nice mix of experience and new vision,” said

April 6, 2017

Martial arts club participates in regional tournament

Charles Patch, a sophomore Nursing student, along with his instructor, Dr. Carolyn Dekker, competed at the Soo Bahk Do regional tournament last weekend in St. Charles, Il, taking home second place trophies in forms and sparring.  The Leijona Martial Arts Club at Finlandia will continue to practice through the summer and hopes to return to the tournament with a bigger contingent next spring.

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FinnU will not enroll students for 2023-2024Learn More